We hear you, deviants! ♥
Since deviantArt released their eclipse design we received lots and lots of requests – thank you everyone! We are working hard to get this service working, but we really don't want to rush things. All we can say at this moment is: We will open our gates very soon, with a reduced set of features (and fill in the gaps later).
We'd also like to point out that we listen to our community – because it's you who does the art/work here! You are the most important part of this project. For example, this platform was initially dark-mode only, but many beta testers requested a bright design for daylight use. We now offer both (and many more layout options like menu scrolling/fixed on top / left / right or a width limiter).
TLDR; Release coming soon! Help spreading the word!
Claim your name / apply for testing
- Easy uploading to your galleries ...free!
- Calm and focussed presentation of your art
- Honest impressions and critique from your audience
- Sell pictures, packs and subscriptions – all in one service
- No censoring – use end-to-end encryption if in doubt
- High quality artworks ...free!
- Calm and focussed presentation
- Provide feedback to your favourite artists
- No ads, no tracking, no hassle
- Support the artists you love
Feature sheets

- Do I need to register?
- No, feel free to browse our galleries as you are. We hate forced registrations like seen on Pinterest or Instagram. You only need a Preefix account in order to participate in comments or upload your works.
- What about ads / banners?
- No. We don't want to destroy our clean interface for a few monthly bucks. Furthermore ads are always a potential security risk. Please use ad-blockers whenever possible.
- Can I sell my works through external services (eg. Patreon)?
- Yes, we want you to stay independant and free. Stick to whatever payment system you already have (eg. PayPal). Our system allows you to create individual access or access groups for single pictures, additional resources or even whole galleries. The customers don't need a Preefix account, you can send out download links to anyone.
- Can I offer multiple versions (including source files / PSD)?
- Yes, you can even create multiple tiers if you like. For example, set a preview picture for everyone (public access), a see-only (no downloading) version for low-budget customers, a high-res version (downloadable) for monthly subscribers and the raw/source files for your special someones (who send you money through PayPal or whatever). And of course, free access to your best friend and family.
- Can I schedule my works / set a publishing date?
- Yes, upload and prepare everything beforehand. Choose date and time for your works to appear on the platform. Use the schedule to prepare seasonal events (like Christmas or Halloween) and prepare releases before taking a time off.
- Why is there no Facebook / Google / Microsoft / Apple login?
- Because we actually respect your privacy and don't want to share data with these services. Or anyone else.
- Why is there no cookie banner / tracking information?
- We don't spy on you. The only cookie we set is the "session", which is technically required to keep you signed in. That's all.
- What about cross-posting to other platforms?
- Yes, it's a lot of work but this is important to us. We want you to prepare everything on Preefix, then post your works to any platform you like. Unfortunately, not all services support or even allow this. Patreon, for example, does offer API access, but not for uploading works.
- Is there endless scrolling and do live notifications pop up?
- No, those are "dark patterns" trying to keep you on the website as long as possible. We don't need such tricks. Instead we want you to have a good time here and decide for yourself when it's time to do something else. Endless scrolling is bad for your health.
- What about NFTs and Crypto?
- No, we cannot support energy-wasting currencies or money-wasting tokens.
- Do you allow AI-generated art?
- Yes, but you don't have to see it. AI art must be tagged as such and there's an easy filter that hides it from you. Furthermore, uploaders cannot monetize AI-generated art because of possible copyright issues.
- But why do you allow AI art?
- This is a complex topic, but short said: you cannot ban AI art. Sure you can say "it's banned" but there's no reliable way to detect AI-generated art and so there would be false-positives as well as false-negatives (and it will just become worse in the future). We truly believe the most important thing is, that users who don't want to see or support AI art can just hide it completely. In order to have such a filter we need to allow AI art but have it tagged correctly. Otherwise AI artists would still sneak in their works and everyone would have to accept them as actual human-made art (because there could not be AI art on a page where it's banned).
- Any feature you like to mention?
- You can browse categories/topics and hide the pictures you've already clicked, because you don't need to browse them again. And you can hide works from artists you're following, because you've already seen their whole galleries anyways.
- I have a suggestion, are you listening?
- Yes, we keep our ears open to your wishes because we want you to feel like home on Preefix. As for the moment we are in close personal contact to our beta testers and for the release there will be feedback options for all users.